In the contactless era, new technologies make life more convenient and give rise to new applications and new forms of business. Contactless technology is not a single technology, but a comprehensive and intelligent technological means to achieve the goal of ensuring that services or interactions (such as transactions) are carried out normally, even with higher efficiency and lower cost.
6km wireless wifi module manufacturers real estate site/forest fire prevention video wireless transmission, in order to ensure the safety of construction personnel and materials, master the construction details, the engineer decided to install a set of security video monitoring system
Technical advantages and industrial applications of uwb ultra-wideband personnel positioning chip for indoor positioning. UWB technology adopts nanosecond non-sinusoidal narrow pulse data transmission, which has the advantages of wide spectrum range and high time resolution: 1. High positioning accuracy (the positioning accuracy of uwb ultra-wideband personnel positioning chip technology is within centimeters, which is much higher than WIFI and Bluetooth positioning)
How does 24G millimeter wave radar of human body sensing radar module detect life features? The advantage of short wavelength is high accuracy. Millimeter wave radar of 24 or 60GHz (corresponding wavelength in the range of 4mm) can detect motion as short as less than 1mm. The Body Sensing radar module 24G millimeter wave radar sends
10km wifi wireless communication module elevator/emergency control wireless video transmission, Shenzhen community building elevator wireless video monitoring project Industry background Elevators are the portals and passageways of buildings. In order to ensure the safety of passengers and help regulators to know the interior situation of the car in real time, video surveillance of the elevator plays an im
Intelligent uwb prison personnel positioning module integrated intelligent function platform With the proposal of the smart prison slogan and the rapid implementation of the national smart prison demonstration site, the smart prison and smart prison construction stage has been fully entered.